Pick the time in the video that you want. Make the link. Share it with friends.
Use our easy, free tool to create a link to a video at a certain time:
Start with the URL for the video you want to link to...
What time do you want the video link to start?
You can create links to videos that start a certain point. You choose the video URL you want, and enter the time, and we create a video link with a timestamp for you that is easy to share.
A: Most video sites offer the feature to set a starting point and share, but it isn’t always easy to know how. We provide one place for all your favorite video sites.
A: A video timestamp is information about a specific time in a video. This is useful when you are trying to share a certain part of a video without having to watch the rest of it.
A: Creating a link that starts where you want isn’t the same for every video platform. It’s a pain trying to figure it out every time, so we made MakeVideoLink.com, which works the same with all major video sites.